Dev Retro 2022:Another Year, Another Set of Unsurmountable Obstacles

Dev Retro 2022:Another Year, Another Set of Unsurmountable Obstacles

As I sit here reflecting on the past year, it's difficult to believe that so much can happen in a year. However, as a developer, I can attest to the fact that time flies when you're coding. And, looking back on 2022, it's clear that it was a year filled with both challenges and accomplishments. I've come a long way in the last year, from establishing myself in the job market to forming a community with my friends. In this article, I'd like to share some of my own experiences as a developer in the modern world.


Finding work was one of the most difficult challenges I faced in 2022. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing widespread unemployment, the job market was as competitive as the hardest level of Tetris. I found myself applying for numerous jobs and going through numerous interviews, only to be passed over time and again. It was a frustrating and discouraging experience, and I began to believe that I was the only person on the planet without a job. But I didn't give up. I continued to apply, learning from each rejection and using it as motivation to better myself.


Secured a number of contracts

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my perseverance paid off, and I was able to secure a number of contracts. These contracts were a significant accomplishment for me because they not only provided a consistent source of income (hooray, no more ramen noodles for dinner!) but also provided me with valuable experience working on a variety of projects.

Writing Articles

I wrote a series of articles on topics ranging from software development to personal growth and had them published on various online platforms. This was a huge accomplishment for me because I had always wanted to share my knowledge and experiences with others through writing. I even managed to slip in a few jokes here and there (because who says technical articles can't be funny?).

Overcoming imposter syndrome

If you're unfamiliar with the term "imposter syndrome," it refers to the feeling that you're not as competent or qualified as others believe you are. It's a common problem among developers, and I struggled with it for a long time. I was always afraid that I was just pretending to be good at my job, and that one day someone would discover that I had no idea what I was doing. But, with hard work, self-reflection, and a lot of coffee, I was able to overcome it and gain confidence in my abilities. Instead of feeling like an imposter, I now feel like any other programmer (which is a huge improvement, trust me).

Community Building

Finally, three of my friends and I were able to form a community. We began hosting regular meetups and online events to bring like-minded developers together to share knowledge and support one another. We even gave ourselves a moniker: "OnlyDevs." It was an excellent way to network with others in the industry and develop a sense of belonging. It also provided us with an excuse to drink coffee and talk about code all day (which is basically a dream come true for any developer).

Overall, the year 2022 was challenging but ultimately rewarding. While there were setbacks and difficulties, I was able to overcome them and achieve a number of personal and professional objectives. I'm excited to see what the future holds and am determined to keep working hard and following my dreams (and drinking lots of coffee).